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RH to RC Jumper

Community Member

I used the google Home install IOS app, and it says my thermostat is incompatible, but when I use the online checker, it says maybe. RH and RC are jumpered. I perused the blog but didn't see a good answer on what r wires to connect where. I purchased the Google Nest Thermostat. Help, Curt



Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

You never use jumpers with Nest or any modern smart thermostats.

Connect all wires to the Nest using same color and terminals as the old tstat.

However you will need to use that Blue wire for your C common wire.

Then you have to go to the equipment and connect blue to the C common on the furnace terminal strip.

Some furnaces if older do not have a C terminal so if you dont see one get the make and model of your furnace and report back.

Houptee -- NJ Master HVAC Licensed Contractor

Community Member

Thanks for the help; when you say"Then you have to go to the equipment and connect blue to the C common on the furnace terminal strip." is that on the furnace itself? I do have an unused blue wire available at the current thermostat.

Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Yes on the furnace you need to follow the thermostat wire to where they all connect to the screws and see if you see a C screw aka common. Connect the blue to that screw and also at the Nest to the C terminal. C is like negative on a battery and Red is like positive so you need the C wire connected to keep the Nest powered up so the battery doesn't run down.

Houptee -- NJ Master HVAC Licensed Contractor

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,

I wanted to ensure that everything was covered here.

Thanks for helping, @Houptee.

@c95658, How's it going? Have you had a chance to install a Nest Thermostat with a C wire? Also, here's a helpful article about the common wire, and let us know if you need more help.

Best regards,


Thanks for checking, I still need to crawl into the attic to see if the c wire is connected

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi c95658,


Sounds like a plan! Thanks for making an effort, @c95658. Please keep us posted on how it goes; we would be glad to know what the result would be.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,


@c95658 we're bumping up this thread to make sure that everything is covered, so we can keep the ball rolling. In case you have an update, you know where to find us.


I appreciate the help, Mark and Houptee.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there everyone,

Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
