07-01-2022 12:34 PM
Does Google offer an outdoor-rated mesh point? If not, best idea for extending my Google mesh outdoors?
07-01-2022 01:48 PM
Hi, i have used a weatherproof "box" outside where i mounted my mesh point in, works great ! There are several of these boxes available online, in plastic or metal.
I do recommend you to place the box in the shade or in a place where it's not in direct sunlight, that way the life of both your mesh point and box will be extended.
Currently, i have this already two years without any problems.
07-05-2022 09:46 AM
Hi folks,
@Techno_Guide, thanks for the help!
@UncleC, thanks for reaching out. I hope that Techno_Guide's reply helps. Let us know if you have questions and we'd be glad to assist.
07-08-2022 10:04 AM
Hey, UncleC.
I'm just following up to see if you needed any additional help or to see if you got this worked out.
- Jeff
07-12-2022 01:28 PM
Hey, everyone.
It looks like we've slowed down here. We'll be closing up the thread unless anyone else has any input or needs anything else. If so, just let me know and we can keep this open a bit longer.
- Jeff