09-13-2022 09:31 AM
I have a new Credit Card. But when I enter all the new Credit Card details in the NEST app (Android or via any web browser) and press 'SAVE' then just nothing happens.
I log-in to https://store.nest.com/ and press 'Billing Info'. Then I click 'change Payment method'.
I see my two old credit cards. Then I click 'Add payment method', enter ALL new details and press 'SAVE'.
But then just nothing happens and the card is not added to my list of Payment methods.
Please note: I CAN NOT use https://store.google.com/ because my Nest Aware subscription is not listed there. I have a running 1st generation Aware subscription that can only be changed/updated on store.nest.com.
Please help to add my new Credit Card = new Payment Method.
09-13-2022 12:11 PM
Google Nest, on the page linked below, lists "Nest Aware Premier Care" to "Get 24/7 access to Nest Aware Experts on the Nest Customer Care team. They’re available to answer questions, help you access features, and manage your subscription."
There's a "Contact us" link in that "Nest Aware Premier Care" section. Maybe they can help you.
09-18-2022 05:38 PM
Hi folks,
I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer.
Thanks for visiting the Community. I’m sorry to hear that and for the delayed response. We appreciate your efforts here. Use a Chrome browser to update your 1st gen Nest Aware payment method.
Here's how:
Let us know if that helps.
09-18-2022 11:57 PM
Hello JT,
Thanks for the reply!
I tried your solution:
1. Visit https://goo.gle/2wqvqdm.
* Followed your link.
2. If not signed in already, select Sign in with Google or Sign in with Nest based on the your account’s state.
* Signed in with my Google account (I migrated from Nest some years ago. Should never have done that...)
3. Select Manage payments and then Add Payment Method.
* I selected 'Add Payment Method' and filled in all details of my new Creditcard. Then clicked 'SAVE'.
But after that simply just nothing happens...
4. After the new card is added, delete their old card if you want and click the Delete payment method. When prompted, select Yes to confirm.
* I do not reach this status. Because the new Creditcard is just not SAVED. (See previous step.)
This is the whole reason I came to this Nest Community. 😉
Can you please escalate this issue?
I need to add my new Creditcard before October 7. Becuasemy subscription fee cannot be charged to my old Creditcard anymore. (Old Creditcard is no longer valid...)
Best regards, Jaap
09-20-2022 10:59 PM
Hi jaapvisser2001,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this and we appreciate your efforts here. Let’s dig deeper into this. When you’re adding a new payment method, make sure that you check the “Use this card for the Nest Aware” box to make it your default card. Once you’ve added your card, delete the old cards on file.
Keep me posted.
Best regards,
09-21-2022 12:26 AM
Hello JT,
Thanks for the reply!
Yes, I have seen that check-box ("Use this card for the Nest Aware”) before, and flagged it before pressing 'SAVE'.
I tried EVERYTHING (numerous times) but nothing works. After pressing 'SAVE' simply nothing happens. All the boxes are filled correctly: no red boxes or missing data. After hitting SAVE: nothing. 😭
I really want to pay my monthly subscription again in October, but Google/Nest is making it really hard for me. It seems they do not want my money anymore... 😉
Please help! Thanks again.
Best regards, Jaap
09-21-2022 05:46 PM
Hi there,
I’m sorry that you have to go through this. Thanks so much for trying. I suggest reaching out to our Nest Aware premier care team so that they can walk you through the steps. Here’s how.
Give us a shout if you have any questions.
09-24-2022 05:55 PM
Hey there,
How's it going? Still need our help?
09-25-2022 04:43 AM
Hello JT,
Sorry for my late reply!
I followed your advice to contact the 'Nest Aware premier care team'. They called me, but the issue is not solved yet unfortunately.
In the meantime I found out something though. Maybe this can bring us 1 step further to the solution.
It turns out that something IS happening, after entering all the right new Creditcard details and pressing SAVE. At that moment a "MasterCard Identity check" is triggered!
This Identy Check can be done in my bank app. I need to confirm that this is really my Creditcard, by accepting a 0,00 Euro payment from Nest. After doing this, the Creditcard should be accepted on the 'store.nest.com' screen. But that is not the case unfortunately. (Nothing is happening.) 😢
Long story short:
The site 'store.nest.com' cannot handle this 'MasterCard Identity Check' procedure apparantly.
(That is something to be checked and repaired by their IT department, I guess...)
Best regards,
09-26-2022 05:23 PM
Hey there,
Thanks for following up. We appreciate your efforts saving your new payment method.
Give us a shout if you have any questions.
09-30-2022 08:37 AM
Hi there,
Just checking in on this thread and the activity on it. We'll leave this topic open for another 24 hours in case there are any follow-up questions or comments.
Best regards,
10-01-2022 08:33 AM
Hello Brad,
No real answers for this topic. Only dummy reactions to meet the helpdesk deadlines I guess. (Kicking the can.)
So this is going nowhere. I do not expect a solution anymore.
Best regards, Jaap
10-01-2022 08:49 AM
I'm just another customer, but am sorry that "Nest Aware Premier Care" turned out to not be very "premier". If they are "Nest Aware Experts", they should have solved your problem.
10-01-2022 10:55 AM
Let's see. Maybe they will surprise me/us and give me a phone call soon with some good news. Will keep everybody here posted. 👍
10-01-2022 11:58 PM
Hey there,
Thanks for chiming in, Brad.
I'm sorry if you feel that way. We truly appreciate your efforts here. We'll be more than glad to help should you have further questions.
Keep us posted.
10-02-2022 03:49 PM
@jaapvisser2001 Hi Jaap, I have the same issue that you encounter (except I have not migrated my Nest account to a Google account yet).
I tried updating my creditcard information and when clicking on the Save button, nothing happens. I tried it on my smartphone and on my laptop but on both devices it doesn't work.
Hopefully Google/Nest can fix the issue soon.
When you have more information, please let us know.
Thanks in advance.
10-03-2022 12:17 AM
Hello Morice,
Good to know that I am not alone. And that this is also not a migration issue. 😃
When I press SAVE it triggers the 'Mastercard Identity Check' in my bank app and/or website. I need to accept a payment of €0,00 for this. That does not work apparantly.
I guess NEST/Google should just trigger a €1,00 Payment request after pressing SAVE. That will work much better I assume.
Let's see if they can solve our issue soon. 👍
Best regards, Jaap
10-09-2022 05:56 AM
Nest/Google tried to collect my subscription fee for October 2022. Did not work of course, because my old (obsolete) credit card was still listed as the only Payment Method.
Received a mail from Nest/Google that I have to update my Payment Method to keep my subscription. (Yeah, duh: have been trying this for weeks now!!!)
Because I do not want to lose my first generation subscription, I kindly asked my wife if I could please try with her VISA card. BINGO!!! Worked like a charm immediately without any issues.
So the MasterCard was not working (NEST Store is not able to pass the Master Card Identity Check) but adding a VISA card is no problem.
Now NEST/Goolge can charge the VISA, and I will just re-pay my wife the monthly subscription fees.
Hope this can help others. And maybe one day in the future the NEST Store can accept Master Cards (with Identity Check) also again.
Best regards,
10-09-2022 11:16 PM
Hey jaapvisser2001,
Thanks for posting and we appreciate your time in providing the Community the steps that resolved your issue — it's a big help. Feel free to respond to this thread if you have additional questions or concerns and I'd be glad to answer it for you.
MoriceK, checking in — did you get a chance to try the steps shared by jaapvisser2001? If so, how did it go? Let us know if you need more help.
10-09-2022 11:54 PM - edited 10-09-2022 11:55 PM
Hi JT,
I have not tried the steps shared by Jaap. This could be a solution but it is not fixing the root-cause of the issue which is that apparently there are issues with the Mastercard identity check (so it seems).
I also cannot apply the solution as I do not have a VISA card.
So hopefully Google / Nest can fix the issue soon.
10-10-2022 05:09 PM
Hi there,
I know how you feel about this as I’m a user myself. No worries, we have dedicated support from Nest Aware Premier Care team to further assist. Kindly fill out this form to receive a call.
Best regards,
10-11-2022 01:44 AM
I received a call from them (from Spain) a few weeks ago.
Their 'solution': Hello, here is a link to the location where you can update your Payment Method. (WTF!!!)
10-11-2022 02:21 AM - edited 10-14-2022 07:36 AM
Hmm, yes that is not a solution. Google / Nest have to fix the root-cause. I can also not imagine that we are the only two experiencing the issue.
10-11-2022 05:37 AM
Not sure how many people still have a first generation Aware subscription. And only customers with new (foreign?) MasterCards will have this issue. So for sure more than 2 people will have the issue, but not that many... 😉
10-11-2022 08:58 PM
Hey folks,
Jaapvisser2001, If you received a suspicious phone call and shared a link to you that’s telling you to update your payment method for your Nest Aware. Please ignore it and block the number right away as it’s a potential fraudulent activity. Our support team doesn't offer a call back without your permission.
MoriceK, have you had the chance to speak to our Nest Aware Premier Care team? If so, how did it go?
10-11-2022 11:16 PM
He JT, the call was legit.
I first filled a digital form from Google/Nest. Then they called me back. Explained everything. Later received a mail with their 'solution': a link to the (real) Nest store where you can update your Payment Methods. 😭
Explained them that I already knew the location, but cannot enter/store my MasterCard there.
They would return my issue to their technical team. (Since then: silence...)
Regards, Jaap
10-12-2022 12:02 AM
Hi jaapvisser2001,
Thanks for sharing that with us. Our support team should be able to help you from here.
Give us a shout if you have any questions.
10-14-2022 09:07 AM
10-14-2022 12:55 PM
Funny reaction. My Nest camera should indeed have Google Assistance. But it has never worked from the beginning.
I do not even try to solve that issue via Nest/Google support though. Many people before me reported that issue. Never a solution. (Sounds familiar?)
10-24-2022 10:36 AM
Hi there,
Just checking in to see how the conversation is going. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. We'll leave this thread open for a little longer for follow-up questions and concerns.
Best regards,
10-25-2022 10:38 AM
Hi there,
Just checking in on this thread and the activity on it. We'll leave this topic open for another 24 hours in case there are any follow-up questions or comments.
Best regards,
10-14-2022 07:33 AM
I have same issue. Seems to me like they are trying to push users to migrate from Nest to Google. Ridiculous lack of support for an important problem, managing credit cards.
10-14-2022 12:39 PM
I already migrated a few years ago from Nest to Google.
But now it seems they are pushing to "upgrade" to 2nd generation Aware subscriptions. (No priority to solve 1st generation Aware issues anymore.)
10-21-2022 10:25 AM
I believe that you may find further assistance with support. Please reach out to them, so they can help you further.
Best regards,