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HOME mini UNRESPONSIVE thread - "Google home mini 4 dots stuck problem"

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Hi guys, here´s thread for anyone who´s experiencing "Google home mini 4 dots stuck problem". Possible news from Google, solutions or fix to be written here. Seems this issue affected lot of devices, let´s see what can be done about it and what will be Google´s reaction to this situation.


Moderator edit: Subject updated for clarity and findability

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Community Manager (Admin)
Community Manager (Admin)

Hi everyone,

Thanks for sharing details in the comments here and for submitting feedback reports to our team.

We’ve identified the cause of this issue and have stopped the software rollout.

If you’ve been impacted by this issue, we want to make things right: Please reach out to Google Nest support at for assistance.

Thanks for your patience while we looked into this— we're here to help if you have any other questions.

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Community Member

Sadly it appears this is, at least for now, only available in the US. Replacements have been authorized and I've got the steps that I went through to request AND BE APPROVED FOR IT.

I got my replacement options last night after my last time chatting with Google early in the morning on the 23rd. Either I can return mine and then they send a replacement or I buy a new one (through an individualized link) and they just put a hold on the card which they will release once the return is received. I had to go through some steps with the chat rep Ana (she was great and very patient) including trying the 10x reboot thing and then also sending a quick video of it locking up.

Here's how I got to this point:

  1. I went to the contact link that @KiiFromGoogle listed and clicked on the Google Home category and said something about my device being bricked in the text field.
    1. As someone that has worked chat support for other companies before I will say this up front, be courteous, stick to the facts, and overall be genuinely thankful for their assistance. You'll get so much further with being a polite person.
  2. In talking with the rep and confirming that the device was purchased in the United States (I believe I've seen reports that some countries didn't get replacements last time there was a bricking event like this so your results may vary if you're in another country), we started trying some debugging to ensure that it was in fact bricked. Those steps included:
    1. Rebooting the device 10 times through powering it off, waiting 10 seconds and then plugging it back in. We then waited for it to get to the 4 solid white lights before unplugging and doing it all over again. It never got to the "Welcome to Google Home" or whatever it was supposed to say.
    2. We then tried to hold the reset button for 5 seconds (which makes it go into reset mode) and then an additional 10 seconds (which confirms the desire to reset?). This just ended up with 2 white lights for me until I powered it off again and then back on which is when I got back to the 4 white lights.
    3. The last thing that Ana had me do was take a 45 second video showing off the device being plugged in and then it freezing at 4 white LEDs. This was the most annoying part of the process because my phone can't get low enough resolution to get 45 seconds of video and be under the 25mb file transfer limit offered by Gmail. Additionally the file upload included in the chat doesn't receive video files so I had to use email. I tried to offer her a Google Drive link but in the end she just asked that I send as long of a video as I could which ended up being about 15 seconds.
  3. After she had enough evidence, she sent it off to her supervisors to get approval. A supervisor wasn't available so I had to wait 24-48 hours for a response.
  4. 42 hours later I received an email asking for mailing and contact information. This included my name, mailing address (with country) and phone number.
  5. Just an hour later I received my confirmation that I was eligible for a replacement device. I replied with my preference for the Standard Exchange option and am waiting on further instructions. (I'll post that email below)

This is where I am currently in the process but figured it was good enough to post some good news as Google has confirmed that I will be getting a replacement unit for my out of warranty device!

This is the email that I received detailing my replacement options:

Hello Giles,

Thanks for reaching out to the Google Nest Customer Care Team.

Congratulations! You are eligible for a replacement.

We have 2 option of the process:

  1. Standard Exchange replacements don't require an authorization hold, and a replacement device isn't sent to the customer until Google’s warehouse receives the defective device. Customers are advised to return their product within 14 days according to the RMA instructions; however, in total, the customer will have 45 days from RMA creation to return the defective unit using the shipping labels. The RMA will be canceled if the labels are not exercised or used after 45 days. If the product is returned after this then it is returned to the customer and they are advised to contact support for a new RMA.
  2. Advanced Exchange allows the customer to check out their replacement device from the Google Store via an Advanced Exchange replacement cart link (RCL) sent to their email before they return their original device. The RCL is valid for 90 days and the customer may complete the checkout process anytime within that period.

    Once they complete the checkout process, we put an authorization hold on their credit card for the full Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of the replacement device. Once the authorization hold is approved, a replacement device is shipped to the customer in 2-7 business days.

Please let us know and reply to this email on which option you prefer.

For reference your case number is [my case number]. If you need more help, you can contact us again and reference this case number or reply to this email to reopen your case.

Have a new question? There are lots of ways to get back in touch with us below.

Thank you,


^ Look at Ana being awesome. @KiiFromGoogle please, if you're able to, pass along my well wishes to Ana's leadership team. She was top notch, knew her stuff, and was great through the whole process.

12/27 edit is below. Also updated step 1 from the list to give clearer instructions on how to get to the right chat.

I got my return instructions. Essentially I box it up and take a QR code to FedEx and they will print the shipping label. The box needs to include both the Google Home Mini and the power cable. They also provide the link for how I can track the shipment as it heads off to Google for receipt and then 1-2 days after they receive it they should have a new one sent out to me.

Final update (1/3/2024): So Google made a mistake and accidentally sent me the full sized Nest Audio as a replacement instead of the Nest Mini that I was expecting. 🤯 I hope that others are able to get as lucky and that those out of the US are given better options for resolving their issues.

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I have contacted support and they have just closed my ticket rather than making any attempt to 'make things right'. This is not good enough Google, you've bricked my device and the support you're telling me to speak to for assistance hasn't been informed of how to help and is sending me around in circles. Sort this out!!!

So.. the "solution" is to make your customers do stupid things like videos and hand-written serialnumbers, to let them send the stuff again and again to multiple "supportlevels", and after hours of unpayed time google has the greatness to "maybe" send new? hardware...


What a shame...


Btw., what happens to outside U.S. customers?


Anyway, i filed in a report to the "Achtung, Kunde!" department at C't Magazine, the biggest TecMag in Germany/Europe.. mayba they could bring a little more speed in the whole case...

I did contact, I have heard nothing

I got offered a $35 Google Store credit and have to send my device back to Google. What a joke

Community Member

wtf howed u get that tho XD and yeah what a joke


Any chance in canada that we can get a replacements instead of a credit? After all this firmware updates was not cause by me, was not a hardware issue. It was a software updates by google without my permission that brick my device. To me warranty or not, it was google push that brick it.

I was hoping that Google "would make things right" like you say,... but after staying on hold for 1 hour, screen-sharing using an app and uploading 2 videos of the device stuck on 4 dots, I am still being told that a "dedicated team" is "working on a resolution" and that I cannot get a replacement due to being out of warranty. 


If Google can just kill my WORKING device and tell me to buy a new one, guess what, I am never buying another Google device again.
I've owned an Amazon Echo longer than the Google Home and they didn't try to kill it off and leave me hanging.

Community Member

If it works for Google, perhaps Amazon is next.......

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Sounds like a class-action waiting to happen.

This is unacceptable, Google refuses to replace a device that is no longer under warranty when it is you who "Bricked" the device with a lame update...

I have this issue also. I provided a video as described in @gileswells post step 2.3 and my receipt from 2020. I’m expecting now to hear back within 24-48 hours. 

@KiiFromGoogle  I chatted with Tan, she was positive and helpful. She had to refer me to a higher tier of support for help though, so I’m still unsure as to whether I can have this issue resolved.

Still no solution? My google home is still stuck on 4 white lights.

If you're in the US, support is replacing units with new Nest Audio devices. If outside the US, some have reported getting $25-35 Google Store credits. Others have reported getting screwed.

The device is brick. The only solutions is to replace it.

I have contacted Google support multiple times about this issue, but all they tell me is engineering staff is working on a solution. They also tell me device is out of warranty so they cannot replace. 


Is there someone else I should be asking for when I can support? Asked for supervisor but they said they were not available and will have them contact me tomorrow. 

I understand you want to make things right but upon contacting support I was only provided with a credit for half the replacement value. How is this making it right when the issue was created by a Google software rollout?

Turns out Google actually only want to make it right if you live in the US. Anywhere else in the world and it's a big middle finger


I just got off the phone regarding my replacement and them trying to respond to my concerns and I would like to point out a few things to keep in mind while going through this process.

1- On the email I received it states that your new replacement might be new or refurbished, so there is no way of knowing which one will be sent to you.

2. The bottom of the email also says that once they receive the old equipment and it turns out that it works after all you will be charged for the total amount of the Google nest audio. 

3. When doing the exchange transaction it shows that the color you will receive is the charcoal, which they claim is based on availability for this particular case. 

So bottom line if this update didn't happen I wouldn't be doing everything possible to fix and keep my device so I'm disappointed that I will be receiving something I didn't want, not the color I previously had, that it might be refurbished and get charged for it after all. 


I just read my email too 

I will not be paying for a refurbished model that is not the colour I had which was coral for a reason 

Also again this would not be the case if they hadn't sent a bricked update in the first place

Think I will just purchase the amazon where I can get an orange cover for it so matches previous one 

I agree with you since I've tried to explain that to them and asked them to cancel my request and next thing I've received an email from FedEx saying my item was shipped. I'm not sure how to proceed at this point since they put a hold on my credit card for the new nest. 

So I tried to do as suggest. I spoke with a Google representative and was told I would receive a credit once I returned my bricked device.  Sounds super great, although I was not actually told what the credit would be. I was lead to believe the credit could be used to replace my Google Home Mini. Before closing the chat, I thought I should clarify and confirm that the credit would actually cover the cost of a mini. Suprise, it was only for $25 dollars. This is insulting. I do understand that Google technically does not make Google Home Mini's since they rebranded the devise to a Nest Home Mini and changed the charging cord. However, besides that the device is the same product. I also would understand if the device simply outlived it's live and started to break down.  

This isn't what happened though. Google released an update that broke my devise. It was working perfectly, I took good care of it, and Google intentionally broke it. 

Instead of making it right and replacing my device, they offered me a fraction of what it would cost to replace in the hopes that I'll spend more money at their store.  This is dirty businesses. 

I did not take the credit. I own 7 smart Google devises and I feel completely cheated. I won't buy another one. I guess I'll just wait around until Google feels I should be giving them more of my money and they decide to brick another one of my devices. 

Does anyone have any suggestions for an affordable smart speaker not made by Google?

Community Member

You can take a look at the Xiaomi smart speaker. Very good sound, google home integrated and as cheap as the mini. I have bought one just to have at least one device in my home to control my lights etc when Google decides it is time to brick more of my Google devices. 

I have tried many time to reset my google home mini 2 but no response. I have tried 10 time plug and un plug power but not working. I have 2 device one is working fine but other one not working what to do please help.

Call Google Help.  Get a case number and they can guide you from there. 

Its because the device is bricks. Need to be replace.

I have wasted more than 1 hour chatting with support and uploading videos. At the begining I clearly said that I am from Poland where Google Store is not supported. Support asked me for serial number, invoice, videos with bricked device. I've sent them what they had wanted. After 2 weeks they replied as below :
" really sorry to tell you this Lukasz because as I made consultation of your issue and our higher tech team inform me that since your country is not included is not included to supported of Google we cannot process you refund on it and since the Google Home Mini is an old device of Google and they are no longser manufatures this device we cannot also process replacement on it. We cannot process your refund since the refund process is through Google store credit and again since your country is not included in the supported country of Google the Google store credit is not available in your country. I hope you understand Lukasz. I was also following the policy that Google provides us."
At first I was thinking that it is a joke, but it is not. If you are from outside US and Google Store is not available at your country, Google can brick your device at any moment they want without any consequnces for them.

Community Member

Exactly same for me in Argentina, your country dos not exist for us sorry you trust us we dont, we brick your mini and buy another or not for us is the same you are important

Interesting. The address I had to ship mine to for a replacement was in Poland.


I can only assume that they are replacing them in countries where the consumer protection law forces them to.

Community Member

Exactly same story, as I am based in Czech Republic. "The higher team" excuse. As they know very well what countries we are from, they should skip all these hour long chats, where you supposed to send the video of bricked device, serial number, all your information...its only a waste of time, as the result is this. Seems all orchestrated, so the damage for Google is minimized.

Hey KiifromGoogle,

Based on several comments on this thread it appears Google is not making things right.. 

Any update or response on actually fixing this issue Google created? 

Community Member

I received a replacement today.  It took me a half dozen phone calls (~3 hours total), a few videos and photos over a three week period, but they"made good" on their mistake.

Community Member

Good to hear you got a replacement.  3 hours to fix their mistake is ridiculous... 

Not so much luck on my end. I'm in Canada and it seems like Google doesn't feel as obligated to make the issue right for us. A $25 dollar credit to their store doesn't make it right.  It makes us suckers.


My Google Mini is no longer responsive.  It has 4 white lights turned on constantly and cannot be reset.  I read on this forum multiple people with the same issue as mine and I followed different instructions on how to reset it, but with no luck. 
I have tried the factory reset by pressing and holding the reset button in the back for a few seconds, even tried to turn on and off the mute button while resetting, but nothing happened.  I only got 1 green light on, but back to white as soon as I release the reset button.
I have also tried the hard reset by unplugging/plugging the power supply 10 times while waiting for at least 10s in behind. And on the 11 times, plugging it back and waiting for a few minutes to see if it would reset itself.  Nothing happened.  Please help



It looks like you have one of the many speakers that were broken by a Google software update. There is nothing you can do to get that device working again.  The only solution is to get in touch with Google support. Their chat system works well. Depending on your country, they may replace it for you. 

I reached out last week and was told that some one would get back to me.  Crickets since then.  This is BS.  Google bricked the devices and they should be replacing them, regardless of age.

KiifromGoogle is strangely silent on all these complaints about Google failing to make things right. 

KiifromGoogle, you said yourself that this issue was the result of a software issue.  Google has taken responsibility for destroying customers Google Mini's and instead of replacing it and making the process easy they're screwing us. 

Seems like a ton of people are looking for help KiifromGoogle, and you are no where to be found. 


Same problem here ! Did you offer to us a solution ?? Planned obsolescence affects this product if you do nothing to resolve it is a scandal, and I have the impression that you are counting on the passage of time so that the community moves on to something else..


I live in France and I my google mini was also broken last december after a firmware update.

After sending a video showing the issue  to google support team, I've been told that I was eligible for google credit as soon as I'd send my faulty google mini to them.

I thought the credit would allow me to buy another mini speaker from google store, but I only received 22.80€, and the mini speaker is 59€.

Now I have to pay you 36.2€ if I want to have a working speaker, after you broke my perfectly working one.

How can you say "we want to make things right" ?

I've sent back another request to the support, I really hope that I'll have enough credit to buy a new google mini.

At this point I am done with Google devices.  I will be contacting our states attorney generals office and filing a complaint.  They are refusing to replace my device because they do not have it in their records and I can't produce a receipt from over a year ago.  


I reached out in December and was told to buy a new device because mine was out of warranty. Are you saying there is some chance to this protocol? I spent an over an hour with them trouble shooting and trying all the steps plus escalated request for assistance. I left it plugged in and it's still sitting there 4 dots a month later.