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HOME mini UNRESPONSIVE thread - "Google home mini 4 dots stuck problem"

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Hi guys, here´s thread for anyone who´s experiencing "Google home mini 4 dots stuck problem". Possible news from Google, solutions or fix to be written here. Seems this issue affected lot of devices, let´s see what can be done about it and what will be Google´s reaction to this situation.


Moderator edit: Subject updated for clarity and findability

2 Recommended AnswerS

Community Manager (Admin)
Community Manager (Admin)

Hi everyone,

Thanks for sharing details in the comments here and for submitting feedback reports to our team.

We’ve identified the cause of this issue and have stopped the software rollout.

If you’ve been impacted by this issue, we want to make things right: Please reach out to Google Nest support at for assistance.

Thanks for your patience while we looked into this— we're here to help if you have any other questions.

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Community Member

Sadly it appears this is, at least for now, only available in the US. Replacements have been authorized and I've got the steps that I went through to request AND BE APPROVED FOR IT.

I got my replacement options last night after my last time chatting with Google early in the morning on the 23rd. Either I can return mine and then they send a replacement or I buy a new one (through an individualized link) and they just put a hold on the card which they will release once the return is received. I had to go through some steps with the chat rep Ana (she was great and very patient) including trying the 10x reboot thing and then also sending a quick video of it locking up.

Here's how I got to this point:

  1. I went to the contact link that @KiiFromGoogle listed and clicked on the Google Home category and said something about my device being bricked in the text field.
    1. As someone that has worked chat support for other companies before I will say this up front, be courteous, stick to the facts, and overall be genuinely thankful for their assistance. You'll get so much further with being a polite person.
  2. In talking with the rep and confirming that the device was purchased in the United States (I believe I've seen reports that some countries didn't get replacements last time there was a bricking event like this so your results may vary if you're in another country), we started trying some debugging to ensure that it was in fact bricked. Those steps included:
    1. Rebooting the device 10 times through powering it off, waiting 10 seconds and then plugging it back in. We then waited for it to get to the 4 solid white lights before unplugging and doing it all over again. It never got to the "Welcome to Google Home" or whatever it was supposed to say.
    2. We then tried to hold the reset button for 5 seconds (which makes it go into reset mode) and then an additional 10 seconds (which confirms the desire to reset?). This just ended up with 2 white lights for me until I powered it off again and then back on which is when I got back to the 4 white lights.
    3. The last thing that Ana had me do was take a 45 second video showing off the device being plugged in and then it freezing at 4 white LEDs. This was the most annoying part of the process because my phone can't get low enough resolution to get 45 seconds of video and be under the 25mb file transfer limit offered by Gmail. Additionally the file upload included in the chat doesn't receive video files so I had to use email. I tried to offer her a Google Drive link but in the end she just asked that I send as long of a video as I could which ended up being about 15 seconds.
  3. After she had enough evidence, she sent it off to her supervisors to get approval. A supervisor wasn't available so I had to wait 24-48 hours for a response.
  4. 42 hours later I received an email asking for mailing and contact information. This included my name, mailing address (with country) and phone number.
  5. Just an hour later I received my confirmation that I was eligible for a replacement device. I replied with my preference for the Standard Exchange option and am waiting on further instructions. (I'll post that email below)

This is where I am currently in the process but figured it was good enough to post some good news as Google has confirmed that I will be getting a replacement unit for my out of warranty device!

This is the email that I received detailing my replacement options:

Hello Giles,

Thanks for reaching out to the Google Nest Customer Care Team.

Congratulations! You are eligible for a replacement.

We have 2 option of the process:

  1. Standard Exchange replacements don't require an authorization hold, and a replacement device isn't sent to the customer until Google’s warehouse receives the defective device. Customers are advised to return their product within 14 days according to the RMA instructions; however, in total, the customer will have 45 days from RMA creation to return the defective unit using the shipping labels. The RMA will be canceled if the labels are not exercised or used after 45 days. If the product is returned after this then it is returned to the customer and they are advised to contact support for a new RMA.
  2. Advanced Exchange allows the customer to check out their replacement device from the Google Store via an Advanced Exchange replacement cart link (RCL) sent to their email before they return their original device. The RCL is valid for 90 days and the customer may complete the checkout process anytime within that period.

    Once they complete the checkout process, we put an authorization hold on their credit card for the full Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of the replacement device. Once the authorization hold is approved, a replacement device is shipped to the customer in 2-7 business days.

Please let us know and reply to this email on which option you prefer.

For reference your case number is [my case number]. If you need more help, you can contact us again and reference this case number or reply to this email to reopen your case.

Have a new question? There are lots of ways to get back in touch with us below.

Thank you,


^ Look at Ana being awesome. @KiiFromGoogle please, if you're able to, pass along my well wishes to Ana's leadership team. She was top notch, knew her stuff, and was great through the whole process.

12/27 edit is below. Also updated step 1 from the list to give clearer instructions on how to get to the right chat.

I got my return instructions. Essentially I box it up and take a QR code to FedEx and they will print the shipping label. The box needs to include both the Google Home Mini and the power cable. They also provide the link for how I can track the shipment as it heads off to Google for receipt and then 1-2 days after they receive it they should have a new one sent out to me.

Final update (1/3/2024): So Google made a mistake and accidentally sent me the full sized Nest Audio as a replacement instead of the Nest Mini that I was expecting. 🤯 I hope that others are able to get as lucky and that those out of the US are given better options for resolving their issues.

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Australian based here, after such an ordeal and what seems to be countless days with support, I RMA-ed my Google Home Mini, to Hong Kong apparently, which kind of a waste of logistic imo, and then I got credited with a pathetic $25AUD ($16USD) in my google store account. That's not even enough for a replacement.

Seriously, I think I am done with Google Hardware now.

That's odd, I'm in Australia also - I went through the same process of you (weeks of talking with support and providing details, RMA back to Hong Kong), but I got a replacement device (another Gen1) eventually.

Community Member

I encountered the same situation. The offered amount of CAD33.62 is quite inadequate. I communicated my decision to retain my device and await participation in a class-action lawsuit.

I'm in Australia, but same situation. Was told 11 days ago I'd receive store credit, still waiting for it to arrive, and don't know how much it will be.

I had a nice discussion with support but unfortunately the proposed solution is not working for me. I'm in Romania and I was told to send the bricked device to US, as that's the place I bought it from initially. 

I feel that Google is ok with offering the Google Home system and testing their new software updates worldwide, but they only want to support some countries if something goes bad. I don't want to move to another competitor as I invested in multiple devices, but my confidence in Google making things right is at a minimum right now.

I encountered the same situation. The offered amount of CAD33.62 is quite inadequate. I communicated my decision to retain my device and await participation in a class-action lawsuit.

Let's communicate this to the proper governmental channels!!

Community Member


Same problem here on my google mini 1st gen FRANCE 

Community Member

How can we start a class action against google for folk outside US.

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My Google Home device is blocked since weeks.

It display 4 fixed LED lights pale yellow.

I tried to reset many time, using all methods suggested (back botton, disconnecting 10 time , ecc.).

It remains still blocked, no way to connect.

I suppose it bricked due to automatic OTA update by Google.

What can I do to recover?

Thanks in avdance for helping.

Community Member

Estoy en la misma… alguien encontró alguna solución? 

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Today I got a full size nest audio to replace the bricked 1st gen home mini. I have no idea how old it was, but being a 1st gen it must have been well beyond the warranty period. I'm in the UK, so if you are too it seems likely that you'll just have to chat with the support people and follow the procedure. 

yes same here, thanks to you for letting me know that you got a better response from support the 2nd time

Community Member

To potential Google Home Mini users here in Brazil.

I do have 3 units, which I bought directly from the Google store when it was still viable to do so (values, exchange rates and taxes).

Of those 3, only one crashed on December 5th. My story is identical to others (all of them?) on this thread: when I noticed, the 4 LEDs were fixed in, white color. I  saw the procedures: restarting 10 times, unplugging and plugging back in (waiting 10 seconds between unplugging and plugging in). Each time, 2 white LEDs and 1 green LED came on, and then it went back to 4 white LEDs.

As my unit do have the reset button (below), I also tried holding it down for 10 to 15 seconds and nothing. Same condition with 4 LEDs.

When I contacted Google's chat this week (all in Portuguese), the attendant said that the team is aware of the problem. She asked me to send a video showing that I had turned it off, waited for the time and turned it on, and the device was still stuck. I made the video identifying it with a code she gave me and sent it to the incident email address. Now I have to wait for their analysis.

I'm hoping they'll allow an exchange, even if it means sending it abroad - as long as the price isn't exorbitant.

Two points for those from Brazil:
1. I know from personal experience that there is a Google shipping system via DHL for free, because this has already happened with a Google/Asus router I had.
2. But in that case I didn't opt for a return, so I don't know if this process would also be free of charge or not. I still don't know if this could be valid, for example, via Procon (Governamental Agency that protect consumers rights), since in my case the items were bought abroad (imported), not in Brazil. I didn't find out that time and now I'm still waiting to hear back from Google about the Google Mini review.

Community Member

Google surely isnt "making things right". As expected I also got the usual "we cannot offer you anything" from Google support team after ONE MONTH waiting since the device has been bricked by an update none of us wanted or ordered. Doesnt matter i own two Google Pixel phones, three Google home minis and  am a subscriber to Google ONE plan. The math is simple - are you outside US or UK? You can throw your bricked Mini to thrash and move to AMAZON ALEXA. Actually great idea, as thats what I am going to do.

Community Member

Hi everyone,
I am writing to you from Italy.

I opened a support request a few days after my device was bricked (6th Dec 2023)
I sent the video with the support case number, they made me activate the credit on the google store but I still have no news.

Yesterday I contacted Google support via Twitter (x), they made me fill out this form

After a few hours they opened another support case for me, I sent a new video and I'm waiting.

Has anyone from Italy managed to get a new device?

Community Member

I have been through the ringer with customer support and according to them you aren't getting a new device but a credit worth only $25USD.  I am Canadian but they sent me a response that said:

"I understand your concern and we are extremely sorry for that.

Countries from Canada, France, Australia, Germany and Italy are only eligible for a Google Store Credit if the device is out of warranty. I hope you understand our limitations." 

Apparently they also only process the credit once they receive your old device and test it. I'm not sure at what point the intended to actually tell anyone that this was part of the process.

Personally I have not accepted the credit and am continuing to press for a better deal.  This is Google. These "limitations" are arbitrary.

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would like to know how to use a mini android printer that is wireless?

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Hola a todos. Me paso lo mismo con mi google home mini. Un día quedo en 4 luces blancas y no sale de allí. He intentado reiniciar con el botón trasero pero solo causa que encienda una luz verde y las otras tres blancas. También probé lo de conectar y desconectar 10 veces, pero nada. Sigue igual. Me contacte con soporte por chat y me dijeron que sabían que esto estaba pasando con algunos dispositivos y que enviara comentarios, fotos y video además de fotos de la parte trasera para comprobar número de serie y demas. Me respondieron por correo que era un problema de actualizaciones y que iban a cambiarme el equipo ya que mi equipo estaba en garantía. Me pidieron factura de compra y se las envie. Pero grande fue mi sorpresa cuando respondieron con otro mail diciendo que no iban a reemplazarme el producto debido a que soy residente de Argentina y , como ellos no tienen en mi país una tienda oficial para comercializar los productos, no se hacen cargo !!! Es indignante que seamos tratados de esa forma, con respuestas en distintos sentidos y al final sin ofrecernos una solución. Considere que deben reconocer los equipos en cualquier parte que hayan sido adquiridos, ya que no se trata de una rotura o un daño físico, sino que es solamente una supuesta actualización que además fue enviada por el propio Google. ¡¡Me siento totalmente decepcionado y estafado!!

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Somos 2 

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My google dot has recently stopped working.  I have tried all the factory resets that I have seen in various places but none of them work. My dot boots up to four white lights and stops, the green light comes on when I press the reset.

please advise as I cannot afford to buy a new one.



There is a "Troubleshoot issues resetting Google Home Mini" link under the "Google Home Mini (1st gen)" factory reset instructions here:

Hola . leí tu respuesta y valoro la intención. Pero lamentablemente ese restablecimiento ya lo hemos intentado casi todos y no ha dado resultado. Los equipos están bloqueados, atascados. El mismo soporte de google sabe de todo esto y por eso responden pidiendo esperar, o diciendo que podría haber un reemplazo y hasta muchas veces respondiendo" tal vez es hora de renovar euipos" . Es muy decepcionante y deja mucho que desear la posición de google con todo esto.

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My Google home mini has become unresponsive and I followed the link but not sure what to do now

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Thanks for the information and merging my enquiry with the others. 


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I'm in Germany. Had to go through the same ceremony and sent a video. Support says they can only offer me money sent to my Google account. I rejected the offer if I cannot buy a new device from that. Unfortunately the support did not know how much the refund would be. 

Community Member

I am writing from Austria with the exact same problem. 1 of the home minis stopped working and stays there forever with 4 LEDs on. I tried everything, such as rebooting 11 times but nothing helpes.

I contacted the support via chat as suggestest by Kii but all i was told is that there is nothing they can do as my device is out of warranty for too long. (I purchased it about 4 years ago.) I was told they only replace devices that recently ran out of warranty and mine is just too old. I just recently contacted the support again via chat but got the exact same answer. No replacement and no store credit, nothing, altough reffering to this thread and the fact that other users already got replacements.

I am very disappointed with Google. First they make the device unusable by a faulty update and then, despite Kiis announcment that they want to make things right for affected users, i am told in the support chat that nothing more will be done from their side.

Hola. Es una excusa eso de que el producto ya no esta en garantia. Lo digo porque mi equipo esta aun en garantia, corroborado por mail por el propio personal de google  y de todas maneras no me reconocen el equipo que ellos han inutilizado con una "supuesta actualizacion" y digo supuesta por que todo parece demostrar que el objetivo es vender equipos nuevos !!

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Home Mini is bricked. I followed the chat instructions and so far so good.


I took a video; uploaded it to my Drive account; shared the link with the chat rep; and then waited for the approval. That took about five minutes and then I received the email with exchange instructions. I'll send it off tomorrow and see how it goes. 


This arrived about an hour ago via FedEx. I shipped back the bricked Home Mini yesterday and they've sent me this massive thing within 48 hours. 

I feel so sorry for those outside of the USA that are not going to be able to have replacements issues. It's not right. 

Community Member

It still  looks like right now anyone outside of the US or UK is only getting a measly credit or nothing at all.  But it also appears that residency is not an requirement, neither is having purchased the speaker in the US/UK. If you have access to a US/UK address that is not a PO box, they will send a replacement device there. Although you will have to have someone send  the broken one back from that address as well.

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my google-home device is also bricked, have sent all the support information to help desk for over a week now. No Response.

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My Google home mini only displays 4 white lights. When I try to factory reset (button on bottom) a green light appears. There is never any response indicating reset. I unplugged 11 times as seen in other post, but the issue is still not resolved. 

I am also having this exact issue.

Same problem here. Started yesterday 14/12

Me too. Factory reset on the Gen 1 just turns first light green. Tried unplugging over 10 times. Could it be some sort  of patch/update 

Happened to mine on Saturday

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Me too.

Community Member

Same happened to me

Google sent me a full nest audio as a replacement

Well happy great customer service

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My google home mini 1st generation is bricked for about 1 month. When I turn on 2 white dots light up, then 4 and it stays like that, without working. I tried every suggestion on google support website, without success.


There have been other posts in this forum about the same issue, as well as this article in 9to5Google: