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Community Member
since ‎03-24-2022

User Statistics

  • 35 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
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  • 24 Kudos received

User Activity

I’m about to boycott this product. Ever since iOS 17 notifications appear for a second and immediately disappears, I even get the sound and vibrations.This issue has been faced by many users for almost a year now and no resolution. I’ve tried everyth...
Ok Google time to get it together. This is a critical error that seems to have existed for a few months since iOS 17. when a camera event notification appears. I would get a vibration on the phone, see it appear and hear immediately it disappears!! T...
Reopening case: Doorbell press - Incredibly delayed google home an... - Google Nest CommunityI'm not sure why they had to lock the previous thread. Apparently we were told someone was going to contact us but with no response. Not surprised... "When t...
When the doorbell is pressed, there is a very significant delay when it is announced on all my Google home speakers. When the button is pressed, it could be anywhere from 5 seconds to a minute when my speakers would announce, "Someone (or name) is at...
Why does the Nest Outdoor cameras take extremely long to charge? The battery capacity is only 6000mAh and is charging using the original nest cable. after 5 hours it is only just past 50%… and it’s telling me there’s another 6 hours to go till full? ...