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Hey Nest Community, We wanted to provide an update on the animal detection starters for scripted automations. When we first launched support for camera events in the script editor, there were separate animal detection starter types for dog and cat de...
In the past 2 months my Google Nest Mini stopped working when I say "hey Google" command. Now my phone (Pixel 6A) started to answer at commands when I say "Hey Google"I have used Google Nest in the past year, never had any problems, but know I'm alwa...
I've had an automation for quite a while now (I think a year or two) that turns off all the lights in my home, pauses all my media play (on Sonos and TV) and resets the volume on each of my Sonos speakers to 15%. This worked just fine up until very r...
Hi, I have had my Google home setup and working for many years with quite a few integrations. Recently I purchased and setup a smart lock using Smart life which I have a few other devices setup and synced to Google home with. Yet the Smart lock doesn...
Moved with a Nest x Yale device on the front door. From old house to new . The door locking spindle came out when put back together very wobbly
HelloI created this script to make my two splits of the Mitsubishi air conditioner automatically activate when the nest thermostat detects a temperature higher than 29 degreesmetadata:name: Turn on AC when hotdescription: Turn on AC when hotautomatio...
HelloI have tried to create an automation that would allow an email notification to be sent when devices connected to google home go offline because the internet connection has dropped.Unfortunately, I can't. Does anyone have any suggestions or a rea...
Is there a way of using a assistant.command.OkGoogle command on a Nest Hub Max display?I'm using the web browser automation scripting editor and it only lists Hub devices.None of the Hub Max devices are listed, at all.Thanks.
Google Home Script is not so new anymore, and sucks. Google basically invented acessible home automation and then got worse and worse at it, to the point that this scripting is limited to a way to do the minimum its competitors do. What it can't do:i...
mi chromecast dejo de funcionar , entre a la aplicación de Google home, al poner la contraseña de mi wifi decía que era incorrecta o que no se podía conectar , al intentarlo de nuevo ya no me apareció la red wifi , ya no me aparece
I'm trying to add my 14 yr old daughter to our Nest doorbell (battery). I get all the way to "connecting" and then get a message that I need to check the doorbell is on and connected to the same network.I've even deleted the device from Google home f...