Introducing new support for smoke & CO and locks in Google Home app Public Previ... Read more
Introducing new support for smoke & CO and locks in Google Home app Public Previ... Read more
Google Home Update (Fall 2024): Unlock a whole new level of Google Home Read more
Google Home Update (Spring 2024): More ways to control your smart home than ever... Read more
For immediate help, visit the official Google Nest Help Center where you can find tips, tutorials, and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Once you have successfully setup your device in the Nest app or Google Home app (depending on the devices you have), you may want to add it to the Nest app or Google Home app on someone else's phone or tablet. A common misconception is that you do th...
Every single day, multiple Google Home speakers get used in my home. Usually for music/news, and always stopped when we're done. And every single morning, I have multiple notifications on my phone like this that I have to dismiss.Is there any setting...
Hello, I'm using google home & some partner systems (like smart socket, smart light). Some of these devices are equipped in my room, and I don't want housemates to control them.So I want to set hidden them from others' Google Home app. Do you know th...
i have issue on my ######### add this account ######### plz
i follow all the steps to link my apple music account and it starts to load looking like its going to work and then nothing happens. repeat issue. i have closed the app, reset the wifi - tried everything.the same thing happened last week when i was l...
माझा बहिणीचा ######### का gmail आहे. आणि ती पासवर्ड विसरली आहे आणि मोबाईल नंबर ला otp चा ऑप्शन पण येत नाही plz मदत करा
is there a way i can manually go on apple music and pick songs like a speaker with my google home, or can i only use my voice.
Hi, we are trying to set up a nest mini using an iPad, we have got the Google home app installed but I don’t see how to add the nest device to it. It’s like the Home app doesn’t have an option to do that, the only device it can add is a whole list of...
I just had a charge I don't recognize put on my credit card from Google Nest for $32.40. I see on Jan 1, they put on $1 and took it back off, obviously to verify the account. I just paid $60/year for the Nest Aware. I wasn't aware there is a charge t...
Please my Gmail account 9 month is not loginMy problem issue my Google account couldn't verify that belongs to youPlease my Google time recovery account add me #########