Introducing new support for smoke & CO and locks in Google Home app Public Previ... Read more
Introducing new support for smoke & CO and locks in Google Home app Public Previ... Read more
Google Home Update (Fall 2024): Unlock a whole new level of Google Home Read more
Google Home Update (Spring 2024): More ways to control your smart home than ever... Read more
For immediate help, visit the official Google Nest Help Center where you can find tips, tutorials, and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Once you have successfully setup your device in the Nest app or Google Home app (depending on the devices you have), you may want to add it to the Nest app or Google Home app on someone else's phone or tablet. A common misconception is that you do th...
Hi there, this is a duplicate topic so we are going to merge it into the Master thread.
Hi there, this is a duplicate topic, so we will be merging it with the Master thread.
Hi!Recently (couple of weeks ago) Google Home app became unable to get the status (on|off) of Yeelight lights, although it is still able to control them.Also i found out that if i delete couple of light form Yeelight it is working fine again and when...
Hi there, this is a duplicate topic so I'm going to move this thread to the Master thread.
Bonsoir j'ai esseye de configurer mon Google home n'est a mon cellulaire mais chaques fois ça me dit que il est impossible de configurer car il n'arrive pas a ce connecter au wifi fii j'ai désinstaller et réinstaller de nouveau et toujours pas capabl...
Hi,I'm able to link my xiaomi home account and my google assistant.When i try, i got a error message that tell me this :could not reach mi home, please try again.Tried to reboot the phone, uninstall/reinstall Xiaomi home app and google home app.It su...
I have 3 TCP bulbs already set up on their app. All 3 are online and can be controlled from their app. I've linked my TCP account to my Home, but the bulbs always appear offline in my Home. I always get an error saying "Oops! Can't connect to the lig...
I have a google wifi installed in my house that works I am unable to see it in google wifi app and now that they moved to google home it is not listed there eitherhow do i get control over the google wifi again?
I have lost all my devices on my nest account, Not sure how I can restore them. I also can not sign in teh NEst services via the appPlease help
Is there a way to show all devices that have been connected to the WiFi at any point? Sometimes I will open the app and it will show devices that are offline like my phone if I’m not home. Other times it just shows the devices that are currently conn...