Introducing new support for smoke & CO and locks in Google Home app Public Previ... Read more
Introducing new support for smoke & CO and locks in Google Home app Public Previ... Read more
Google Home Update (Fall 2024): Unlock a whole new level of Google Home Read more
Google Home Update (Spring 2024): More ways to control your smart home than ever... Read more
For immediate help, visit the official Google Nest Help Center where you can find tips, tutorials, and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Once you have successfully setup your device in the Nest app or Google Home app (depending on the devices you have), you may want to add it to the Nest app or Google Home app on someone else's phone or tablet. A common misconception is that you do th...
When you connect on screen mirroring it just goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and nothing ever loads onto it at all on the iPhone.
I changed my Wi-Fi extender password and google home is no longer able to connect my outdoor camera to Wi-Fi.I tried plugging into my Mac laptop and the error message I get is the software is not supported in the latest version of OS.
Literally woke up, and my home is not longer part of my account, both on the Home app and the Nest App. Worked fine last night when I armed my nest guard (remotely) today I find there is just no more house in my app, check across my phone and iPad sa...
How do I change the email associated with my google home account?
Like many other of your customers my Nest Heat link is dead, no LED lights on. And I've tried holding the button for 30 seconds etc.The Unit is just over a year old, I'm happy to buy a new one. But looking online I noticed you can't.You have to buy t...
Hey there, this is a duplicate topic, so we are going to move the thread to the Master thread. Thanks.
My daughter plays music on her nest at night. Each morning every Android device has an 'alert' to notify us this nest is streaming music. Google Home has about 4 Notification Settings, and "Have nest alert all connected devices when it's playing Jack...
HiWhen I try to set up through the nest app, the app suggests the thermostat is requires a software update. When I go to the thermostat it tells me I have the latest software so my question any plans for software upgrade in NZ or is there another way...
All of a sudden when I go into the home app on my phone none of my devices are listed. It’s treating me like I’m setting up my account from scratch.
My"turn the lights off at 10pm"routine occurs about an hour early at 9pm. Please advise.