What is Nest Aware? Read more
What is Nest Aware? Read more
Hey everyone, I appreciate everyone’s patience as they’ve shared their feedback and questions regarding the pending Scottish legislation changes. We’re aware of the proposed legislation changes to the fire and smoke alarm standard in Scotland requiri...
About 3 weeks ago I was woken up in the middle of the night by a beeping sound, and after several minutes of investigation turned out to be a Nest Protect. When the Nest Protect was removed from the ceiling, it emitted a sort of burning electronics s...
Hi,The manual states Nest Protect must use Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA batteries, but these have been discontinued. I could not find any at my local Home Depot and etc. Any remaining stock is heavily marked up on Amazon etc, if available at all.Reg...
I got a new router and my 2 protects won't connect. I deleted them from my app and they will not connect even through new setup. My Thermostat connects fine.
So I recently moved and forget to bring the wiring needed to hardwire the nest protect. Where can I purchase the wiring needed to get the units hardwired again? Thank you!
where can I purchase a backplate for a 2nd generation wired Protect. So home renovation went a little to far. The plate was destroyed and I cannot seem to find a replacement. Please help.
I am mounting the battery powered version of Nest Protect Gen 2 and the mounting plate does not line up with the screw holes I have. I believe the wired version has a mounting bracket that would work. How can I get a new mounting bracket?
In order to pass final inspection the smoke detectors must connect to the sprinkler alarm system. How can this be done?
Please help if possible! I just got my Nest Protect 2nd generation back from my son and the plastic battery cover is missing. The device was malfunctioning but I fixed it (that's another story). Anyway, I'd like to test it for a few days in my house ...
Hello - I lost my ceiling bracket for the Nest smoke and CO2 alarm, version 2. Is there a way I can just order those pieces?
Hello all,I have a Nest Thermostat currently working on my network and two Nest Protects that used to work but now these two devices have dropped off my network and I'm unable to connect. I have a CenturyLink C4000XG modem and router; it is a proprie...