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Forum Posts

Resolved! Regarding audio and video not synced with Google TV Streamer

Hey everyone,We are aware that some users might be experiencing an issue where audio is not synced with video from their Google TV Streamer. This appears to be related to specific audio equipment and configurations, and does not seem to be a widespre...

Need help with setup? Troubleshoot common Chromecast problems

Here are some steps I recommend to resolve issues during the setup of your Chromecast.Step 1: Things to check on your phone or tablet Turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Turn off cellular/mobile data.This ensures your phone or tablet does not try to use mob...

David_K by Diamond Product Expert
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How should I get my IPC streaming to Google home APP?

We've developed an action for camera streaming based on WebRTC. After configuring in the Google Home App, the device appears in the Devices list. However, when I click the device icon, the app shows: "This video stream can't be viewed here. If you ha...

jinghao by Community Member
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I have 5 tvs registered with my Roku account (2 Roku, 1 Chromecast using a stick, and 2 with sticks). All of the sticks are linked to Google Home. Neither of the Roku TVs are. It didn't bother me much until I replaced the living room TV with a Roku T...

Alinaa by Community Member
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Chromecast HD with Google TV cuts off

Hi, my Chromecast HD with Google TV is getting cut off on my 2009 LCD Sony Bravia, The screen size is a bit too big for the TV to display all of it and I want to know so that I can see everything on the screen and not see a little bit of when the mic...

Amplifier with chrome-cast support

I am searching for small local amplifiers with chrome-cast support to drive passive speakers.Know the big ones, like from Denon, but look for low coast small ones.Anyone knows a brand?

Ossel by Community Member
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Why doesn't the remote control work?

The remote control that I received in pre-sale with the realme 4k smart google tv stick does not respond to commands after a month of use.

Trying to play audio from Mac laptop while chrome casting

Hi there,I bought a chrome cast because I wanted to wirelessly play movies from my laptop to my Epson projector And I want to play the sound from my laptop, from a headphone jack, into my speaker system.So think of it as you would if everything was c...

Badvalleys by Community Member
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I've set my chromecast up on tv everything works until it's time to connect my phone to the room on chromecast anyone know what's wrong

Andyb66 by Community Member
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How do you remove products or devices in your home that was secretly put in without your knowledge. My ex is controlling my thermostat cameras lights doorbell he 3rd partied my RING and ADT to my amazon. He put himself as two factor authentication to...

ShmilyMoJo by Community Member
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